Route of Glouphire, Temple of Ikov, Slug Menace, The Forgettable Tale..., Another Slice of H.A.M. 60 Slayer, 60 Agility, 70 Power, 75 Firemaking, the ability to OSRS gold conquer three level 103's simultaneously. Start your quest by speaking to Commander Veldaban, at Keldagrim: Anything going on in Keldagrim recently?
Not much in the city, Zachman3334, however, I've received word about the Red Axe. Are you okay, Zachman3334? Oh, yes, I am fine. What's the Red Axe been doing?
NOTE: If you haven't completed While Guthix Sleeps, your character will notice how"weak" Lucien is, and why they are meeting with him. If you have done While Guthix Sleeps, then you will be alarmed that Lucien is hoping to align himself with buy RuneScape gold The Red Axe. The two variations will not be put in the quest dialogue, due to it being complicated and confusing to see, but they would maintain the actual pursuit.